Posts Tagged mit: companies


“It’s very important for me,” she says. “I pay for the kids, I pay for the telephone and the light and the water and the cellphone and collective buses and food with it. Everything. It pays for us completely.”

Julio does not enjoy living in the US, she says, and

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Rechtslage seit 2004

Anguilla und die OECD-Bestimmungen

Auch Anguilla kann nicht vortäuschen, nicht betroffen zu sein von der Politik der OECD. Diese wird gesteuert von den großen Industrienationen. Drogenhandel, Finanzierung von Terroristen und der Anschlag vom 11. September 2001 soll als Vorwand dazu dienen, Steueroasen wie Anguilla besser durchleuchten zu

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Die Person Leonel

Back then, his main claim to fame had been his role as right-hand man to a former Marxist president, Juan Bosch. In the early 1970s he had helped Mr Bosch form the left-wing pro-Cuban Dominican Liberation Party, the principal aim of which was to campaign against US influence in

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