Trust Services

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We are offering trust services.

The trust service is done on the basis of the traditional British Common Law, i. e. the legal system in which the system of trust agreements has been created first.

In specific terms, the official registration took place in the Commonwealth area of Nevis (St. Kitts & Nevis) / British West Indies, with its traditionally high legal certainty.

IKanzlei-PTC Ltd. was expressly registered as a PTC (=Private Trust Company) after our qualification also as reliability and trustworthiness could be proven in an examination procedure.

Certificate of Incorporation

Within clause 4 “Objects” has been expressly stated:

“The corporation is a Private Trust Company.

As a Private Trust Corporation the corporation offers all typical trust services.

That includes wealth administration, acting as a founder of foundations, acting as protector, acting as nominee beneficiary of foundations, acting as nominee for directors and shareholders, opening and manage bank accounts as director or council of a foundation and more. ..

Under the Nevis Business Corporation Ordinance 1984 as amended including but not limited to the following:

To buy, sell, underwrite, invest in, exchange or otherwise acquire, and to hold, manage, develop, deal with and turn to account any bonds, debentures, shares (whether fully paid or not), stocks, options, commodities, futures, forward contracts, notes or securities of governments, states, municipalities , public authorities or public or private limited or unlimited corporations in any part of the world, works of art and other articles of value, and whether on a cash or margin basis and including short sales, and to lend money against security of any of the aforementioned property.

To open and operate bank accounts anywhere in the world.


Upon request, we will be happy to send you the complete “Articles of Incorporation”.

If you are looking for a concrete fiduciary service, please contact us:

tel.            +507-6813 0473
Signal:      +507-6254 3093
Telegram: PrivacidadPanama